CBDT Constitutes Committee To Recommend Measures For Expeditious Recovery Of Tax Arrears

The CBDT has issued an Office Memorandum dated 25th May 2017 by which it has constituted a committee of high-ranking officials to study the nature and extent of arrears of direct taxes and to suggest measures for expeditious recovery of the outstanding dues. The terms of reference of the Committee are clearly spelt out. The Committee is required to submit its report by 15th July 2017.

2 comments on “CBDT Constitutes Committee To Recommend Measures For Expeditious Recovery Of Tax Arrears
  1. waghela b.s. says:

    Appointing a Committee for recovery of Incometax Arrears is utter NONSENSE. Measures to collect arrears are already in place; only implementation is required. CBDT should place responsibility on the concerned CITs either to collect arrears or write them off. Biggest culprit is CBDT which has kept powers of write off with it and returning write off proposals on flimsy grounds. Write Off Proposal submitted to the CBDT before 50 years (Yes, 50 years; I can give you a list) are still pending with the CBDT and during this period more that 100 Members / Chairmen have retired.

  2. Varaprasad Daitha says:

    Is it necessary for a committee to state already known facts. It appears to camouflage the omissions of some other senior officers. There are already known steps to effect speedy recovery of arrears. One such measures to get disposed of the first appeals.

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